Expense Module Setup, General tab

Expense Module Setup is under System ManagerHRPro Setup

If Enable Expense Module is not enabled, the Expense Items in the main menu are not available

Expense Entry

When Disallow amend WebLeave generated Expense Entry is turned on, all the Expense Entries created by Employee Portal are unable to edit to ensure the data integrity. 

Expense Claims Application

If the Expense Application Action is final is unchecked and the Approval Workflow is by Level, the approval action in the Expense Claims Application will be by level according to the workflow status of the application. Otherwise, the approval action is final for the Expense Claims Application. (i.e. will approve or reject the application). 

If Disable Email Notification for Expense Claims Application is turned on, no email notification will be sent out when approving or rejecting the applications in Expense Claims Application

If Allow Mass Approval is turned on, Mass Approval is available in the Expense Claims Application

Maximum Number of past periods to display in Expense Claims Application. It controls how many past periods to load the Expense Claims Application. If you have a large volume of Expense Claims Applications, limiting the period can improve the loading performance of the Applications.  

Other Settings 

If "Generate Expense Reimbursements to" is set to