Erase Personal Data for Terminated Employees
Erase Personal Data for Terminated Employees is under Master.
According to Personal Data Protection Law in different countries (GDPR, PDPO), if there is no longer a legitimate purpose that requires the retention and use of personal data, it must be erased.
This Erase Personal Data for Terminated Employees process will erase the following data from the system according to the Termination Date on or before (by default it is 7 years after employee termination).
The following personal data of the selected employees will be permanently altered or erased from the System:-
Call Name
Chinese Name
Payee Name
Passport No.
Bank Account No.
Telephone (Home)
Mobile Phone
Personal Email
Spouse Surname, Othername, HK ID No., Passport No.
Residential and Postal Addresses
Addresses of Place of Residence provided
Emergency Contact (Name, Relation, Phone, Mobile)
Employment History
Quali and Skills History
Attendance Records
Leave Applications
Overtime Compensation Application
Leave Records
Leave Adjustment Records
Expense Records
After the process the employee records are left with non-identifiable details, so that certain reports (e.g historical Payroll Reports) remain meaningful.