IR56M Amendment
IR56M Amendment is under Taxation Menu.
This screen allows you to amend the details in the IR56M tax sheets. The tax sheets are sorted according to the Surname and other name. Sheet No. is starting from 900001.
Click Sheet No. to edit. If the line background color is light blue indicated that the IR56M record is already modified.
The submission date is the Submission date in Output IR56M Data File, it will be automatically updated after the data file is created.
Basically all the information will be filled in automatically, unless you need to do the amendment. After amending the record, click Save button to save the IR56M record.
You can print IR56M Check List, whole batch of IR56M and IR56M (Individual) from the Print Button
Click the Protect button from the IR56M Amendment on tool bar to protect this taxation year.
If the batch is protected and you find that the data are incorrect, you may unprotect the IR56M Batch through Unprotect IR56M Batch. The data for the stated year would be unprotected and you may amend or generate the IR56M batch again.