Keyboard Navigation (Web Client)
On Grid Table
On Grid Table
Alt + S Sort the table by Last Update Date descending
Alt + W Focuses the Grid
Insert Create new record
Actions applied on Grid Header
Actions applied on Grid Header
Enter sort by the column
Alt + Down opens the filter menu
Esc closes the filter menu
Tab navigates through the elements in the filter menu(default browser behavior)
Shift + Tab same as Tab, but in reverse order
Actions applied on Grid Data Table
Actions applied on Grid Data Table
Up and Down Arrow navigate rows
Enter edit the current row
Del Delete current record
Page Up pages on previous page
Page Down pages on next page
On Create or Edit page
On Create or Edit page
Alt + S Save the record
Tab next field
Shift + Tab previous field
Ctrl + C Copy (Clipboard)
Ctrl + V Paste (Clipboard)
Ctrl + X Cut (Clipboard)