What is "Payroll Considers Appointment History" in Payroll Module Setup
When this check box is checked,
The salary generated from the payroll batch will be based on the Employee Master, Appointment History and considered the start date (i.e. locate the particular salary and allowance as well as bonus based on the payroll period).
When an employee is salary increment in the middle of the month, HRPro will calculate the employee's salary based on a pro rata basis. (i.e. part of the days based on old salary and part of the days based on new salary).
If the employee 0003 is salary increment at Nov 10, 2008 from 12,000 to new salary 13,000.
If the option is checked, HRPro will calculate the Salary with this formula: $12,000 x 9 / 30 + $13,000 x 21 / 30 = $12,700 (Assume Daily Salary based on calendar days)
If the option is NOT checked, the Payroll Batch Salary, Allowances and Bonus will be based on the Basic Salary from Salary Info in Employee Master.