What is "30 Days Maximum" for "Daily Salary based on" in Payroll Module Setup?
When 30 Days Maximum is selected in Daily Salary based on, the daily salary will calculated as:
Monthly Salary / 30
However, the Prorata Days is calculated as:
For complete worked month: 30 days
For incomplete worked month (except Feb): Days Difference between start date and end date with maximum 30 days
For incomplete worked month (Feb): Days Difference between start date and end date with maximum 28/29 days
In other words,
If an employee is terminated at Jan 30 or Jan 31, he will get the whole month of salary
If an employee is terminated at Feb 27, he will get proportion 27 / 30 of the monthly salary
1. When 30 Days Maximum is turned on, Payroll Considers Appointment History cannot be turned on as Payroll Considers Appointment History required calculating the exact calendar date.
2. There may be variances when EAO 2007 (a.k.a. 713) is turned on when calculating daily wage.
For an employee with basic salary $35,000 on January
When Daily Salary Based on Calender Days,
Salary 1,129.03 x 30 = 33,870.90
Holiday Pay 1,196.73 x 1 = 1,196.73
When Daily Salary Based on 30 Days Maximum,
Salary 1,166.67 x 29 = 33,833.43
Holiday Pay 1,196.73 x 1 = 1,196.73