What's New in HRPro 5.1
June 2, 2008
Copy Employee Information to another company function is added
Option Enable Attendance Data for OT Pay Calculation in HRPRO Setup PLFSU is added
Termination Reason Table PLFTR is added
HSBC MRI 2 autopay instruction is supported
MPF Interface File for HSBC is added
Prepaid Payroll Batch Processing is added
Attendance Period Table in HRPro Setup is added
Overtime truncate to nearest quarter minute (15,30,45,60) option in Global Working Hours PLFWH and Shift Code PLFSC is added
Allow Email Pay Slip option in Employee Master PLFEE is added
Copy Function in Roster Table PLFRT is added
Regarded Wage Worksheet - PLRRW is added to Payroll Adjustment Print menu
Document How to import employee information from Excel? is added to user portal
Client under warranty period or covered by a Maintenance Plan is entitled free upgrade, please contact ERPro Support Team by email support@nutech.com.hk or phone 2782-0669 for upgrade arrangement.