Employee Portal users can view the employee directory of their department or all employees in the organization. This includes a photo, position, email, extension and mobile number. In order to improve better communication of the organization.
You can click the grid column heading (Department/Division/Location/Name, etc) to sort by that column.
The content of the Directory is depending on the check box option Enable "Directory", Show Position on Directory, Show Photo on Directory, Show Superior on Directory and Show Location on Directory in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab.
The display or not of a particular employee is depending on the check-box option Show on Directory in Employee Master, EPortal Tab.
The display or not of the Mobile Phone of a particular employee is depending on the check-box option Show Mobile Phone on Directory in Employee Master, EPortal Tab.
To control the directory show all employees or the employee's own department is depending on the check-box option Show Directory (Own Department Only) in Employee Master, EPortal Tab.