Employee Master, EPortal tab

EPortal Tab is under MasterEmployee Master.

EPortal Tab  is to define various options for Employee Portal of this Employee. EPortal tab is visible only when Employee Portal module is installed.

Menu Items

Show "Company Library" is useful only when Enable "Company Library" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Directory" is useful only when Enable "Directory" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Company Calendar" is useful only when Enable "Company Calendar" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Leave History" is useful only when Enable "Leave History" in Employee Portal Setup, WebLeave tab, Leave History panel is turned on. 

Show "Subordinate Leave History" is useful only when Enable "Subordinate Leave History" in Employee Portal Setup, WebLeave tab, Subordinate Leave History  panel is turned on. 

Show "Event Calendar" is useful only when Enable "Event Calendar" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Punch Card" is useful only when Enable "Punch Card" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Attendance Record" is useful only when Enable "Attendance Record" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Subordinate Profile" is useful only when Enable "Subordinate Profile" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Update Personal Particulars" is useful only when Enable "Update Personal Particulars" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Disable "Payroll History" is useful only when Enable "Payroll History" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Mid-Month Payroll History" is useful only when Enable "Mid-Month Payroll History" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Download IR56B/M" is useful only when Enable "Download IR56B/M" in Employee Portal Module Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Team Roster" is useful only when Enable "Team Roster" in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Roster Assignment" is useful only when Enable "Roster Assignment" in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Show "Roster Import" is useful only when Enable "Roster Import" in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Enable Functions panel is turned on. 

Other Settings

If Is Notice Board Administrator is turned on, this employee can maintain (add, change, delete) the notice board in the Employee Portal using Notice Board Maintenance.  

If (Own Department Only) is turned on, this employee can maintain notices for this employee's department.  

If (Own Division Only) is turned on, this employee can maintain notices for this employee's division.  

If (Own Location Only) is turned on, this employee can maintain notices for this employee's work location.  

If "Is Roster Administrator" is turned on, and the "Roster is assigned by the Roster Administrator by department/division/location" (in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self-Service tab, Roster Assignment panel), then this employee can perform Roster Assignment

If the Allow On Behalf Leave Application is turned on, this employee can apply for a Leave Application (including InOut Time Correction Request)   on behalf of any employee. 

If (Own Department Only) is turned on, this employee can apply on behalf of this employee's Department. 

If (Own Division Only) is turned on, this employee can apply on behalf of this employee's Division. 

If (Own Work Location Only) is turned on, this employee can apply on behalf of this employee's Work Location. 

Similarly, if the Allow On Behalf Expense Claims Application is turned on, this employee can apply for an Expense Claims Application on behalf of any employee. 

Similarly, if the Allow On Behalf Overtime Compensation Application is turned on, this employee can apply for an Overtime Compensation Application on behalf of any employee.  

If the Allow Mass Approval is turned on, the Approver's Mass Approval function is available. 

If the Suppress Email Notification for Approval is turned on and the employee is an approver, the Email Notification requires the approver for application approval will not be sent.  

If the Suppress Email Notification for Application is turned on, the Email that notifys the application is submitted will not be sent

If the Force Calendar Shows Birthday is turned on, even if the Event Calendar shows Birthday and Company Calendar shows Birthday options are turned off (in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab). The Employee is still able to view others' birthdays on the Event Calendar and Company Calendar

If the Logout return to Home Page is turned on, when this employee logs out from the Employee Portal, it will return to the Home Page rather than the Login Page.  This option is good for the Approver that required to log in to different companies for approval. 

If the Disallow Overtime Compensation compensated by Compensation Leave is turned on, make sure the Allow Overtime Compensation compensated by Compensation Leave in Employee Portal Setup, Overtime Compensation tab is checked. In this case, the employee without checking this option is allowed compensation by Compensation Leave. 

If the Disallow Overtime Compensation compensated by OT Pay is turned on, make sure the Allow Overtime Compensation compensated by OT Pay in Employee Portal Setup, Overtime Compensation tab is checked. In this case, the employee without checking this option is allowed compensated by OT Pay. 

See How to Enable Active Directory Authentication for Employee Portal Login for the usage of Enable Active Directory Authentication.  

Enable 2-step Verification is applicable only when 2-Step Verification is set to Enable in Personal Options/Employee Master in Employee Portal Setup, General tab.

EPortal Password shows the actual password instead of ***** if Show EPortal Password in Employee Master in Master Setup is checked.

Approval Setting

If the Approval Workflow (all approvers, any approvers or by level) is not Default, it will overwrite the settings defined in Employee Portal Setup or Leave Type.

CC List

If the Apply Email CC List (Applicant Email) is specified, the distribution list will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the email notification sent to the applicant when the application is submitted. 

If the Apply Email CC List (Apprpver Email) is specified, the distribution list will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the email notification sent to the approver when the application is submitted

If the Apply Update Personal Particulars CC List is specified, the distribution list will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the email notification sent to the HR Email Address when the application is submitted

If the Approved Email CC List is specified, the distribution list will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the email notification sent to the approver when the application is approved

(You can use either a comma (,) or semicolon (;)to separate the email addresses in the list.)


For usage of Approval Role Delegated to, please see Defining "Approval Delegation".


Appraisal Feedbacker can provide Appraisal Feedbacker Feedback for the Appraisal. You can define up to 3 Feedbackers and turn on the Feedbacker Feedback in the Appraisal Template, Workflow panel.