Employee Portal Setup, WebLeave Tab

Employee Portal Setup, Webleave tab is under System Manager ⇒ HRPro Setup, Employee Portal Setup

This screen is to define various options for WebLeave (The Leave Application/Approval section in the Employee Portal).

General Functions

When the Enable Leave days Overwrite (Recommended No) is turned on, the Applicant can modify the leave day to any day lower than the days calculated by the system. 

When the Enable Approver Self Delegation is turned on, Approvers can assign the Delegation Role in Personal Options (EPortal)

When Enable Real-Time Validation When Applying leave is turned on, the Application and Application (on behalf) screens will validate every change without requiring the user to press the Submit button. Any validation messages will be displayed immediately on the screen. This can help prevent errors and streamline the process. 

When Enable Replenish Attachment is turned on, the employee can submit the attachment even if the application is approved. 

Allow Select Hours over 24:00 turned on is good for companies whose rosters consist of Overnight Shifts. (e.g. Their overnight shift Employee can apply for leave with out-time 28:00). 

Email Notification

If Disable Email Notification for WebLeave Application is turned on, No Email notification will be sent to the approvers and the applicant. 

If Enable HR to receive Approved/Rejected Email is turned on,  the HR Email address will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the Approved/Rejected email notification when the approver approves the application. 

If Enable Department Manager to receive Approved/Rejected Email is turned on, the Email of the Department Manager (defined in the Department) will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the Approved/Rejected email notification when the approver approves the application. 

If Enable Division Manager to receive Approved/Rejected Email is turned on, the Email of the Division Manager (defined in the Division) will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the Approved/Rejected email notification when the approver approves the application. 

If Enable Approvers to receive Replenish Attachment Email, the Email of the Approvers will be included in the carbon copy (CC) of the Replenish Attachment Email that is sent to the HR Email address when the Replenish Attachment is submitted.

Leave History

Subordinate Leave History

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