Event Calendar
The following will be displayed on Event Calendar,
Your Pending Leave Applications
Your Leave History (Approved Leave)
Your Holidays
Your Contract End Date
Your Birthday (Optional)
Your Probation End Date (Optional)
Your Shift Code (Optional)
Your Shift Location (Optional)
Your Subordinates Leave Applications
Your Subordinates Leave History (Approved leave)
Your Subordinates Holidays
Your Subordinates Contract End Date
Your Subordinates Birthday (Optional)
Your Subordinates Probation End Date (Optional)
Your Subordinates Shift Code (Optional and when Subordinate Name is selected)
Your Subordinates Shift Location (Optional and when Subordinate Name is selected)
Your Team Rosters (Optional)
The Department drop-down list is available for the approver to only show the events of the subordinates belonging to that department.
The Division drop-down list is available for the approver to only show the events of the subordinates belonging to that division.
The Work Location drop-down list is available for the approver to only show the events of the subordinates belonging to that division.
The colour of the Leave Type can be defined in Leave Type
Legend is available when Event Calendar show Legend (in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self-Service Tab) is turned on.
If there is an * behind the shift code, that * indicated that the shift code on the roster table assigned did not equal the shift code on the attendance record. (e.g. the shift code is ever amended in the attendance record of this employee on this date).
For Global Working Hours Employees, Holidays are depending on the Holiday Type defined in Employee Master.
For Roster employees, Holidays are not only depending on the Holiday Type but also depending on the shift codes with shift type Statutory holiday or PH –SH in the roster table on that period.
Shift Code and Shift Location
When Event Calendar show Shift Code (in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self-Service Tab) is turned on, the Shift Code of the employee will be displayed and Shift info with In Out Time will be displayed if the mouse is mouse-over the shift code.
When Event Calendar show Shift Location (in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self-Service Tab) is also turned on, the location defined in Shift Code (if Enable Roster Location Assignment in Master Setup turned off) or Roster table (Enable Roster Location Assignment in Master Setup is turned on) will also be displayed.
The colour of the Shift Code can be defined in Shift Code
Team Rosters
If Event Calendar shows Team Rosters (in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab) is turned on, the rosters of your team will be displayed on Event Calendar. Team Rosters are enabled depending on the option Team Roster shows rosters of the in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab, Team Roster panel. (See Team Roster).
The team of Team Roster is not necessarily your subordinances.
Shift Location will be shown if Event Calendar shows Shift Locations in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab, and Event Calendar panel is turned on.
See also:
check-box option Visible in Web Leave Calendar in Leave Type