Company Calendar

The following will be displayed on Company Calendar,

Which leave types are allowed to show on the Company Calendar depends on the option "Visible in Company Calendar" in the Leave Type definition.  When Show as [OFF] in Company Calendar is checked, the leave of this leave type will be shown as [OFF] rather than the original leave code.  

The display or not of the Company Calendar in Employee Portal depends on the check-box option Show Company Calendar in Employee Master, EPortal Tab

(When the check-box Own Department Only is checked, only the employee's department coworkers will be displayed, while when the check-box Own Division Only is checked, only the employee's division coworkers will be displayed, when the check box Own Work Location Only is checked, only the employee's Work Location coworkers will be displayed)

The Department drop-down list is to show the events of the employees belonging to that department. 

The Division drop-down list is to show the events of the employees belonging to that division. 

The Work Location drop-down list is to show the events of the employees belonging to that division. 

The colour of the Leave Type can be defined in Leave Type

See also