Expense Type
Expense Type is under Expense.
Expense Type is the categorization of different kinds of expenses that employees can claim. Each expense type has specific attributes and rules associated with it, such as whether a receipt is required or how it interacts with the payroll management module. This helps streamline the expense processing and ensures proper record-keeping and reimbursement.
Examples for Expense Type:
Travel Expenses: Costs related to transportation (flights, trains, rental cars), accommodation (hotels, Airbnb), meals, and other travel-related expenses during business trips.
Meal Expenses: Reimbursement for meals purchased during business trips or working hours.
Mileage Expenses: Local transportation costs (taxis, rideshares, public transport, parking fees) incurred for business purposes.
Expense Type is for Expense Processing, which defined the attributes when the Employee Portal User applied a Expense Claims as well as how this expense type interfaced with Payroll Management Module.
When Expense Entry Required Attachment is checked, HRPro User must attach an attachment when adding Expense Entry for this Expense type. E.g. Receipt
Expense to Payroll Pay Type is to define whether the Expense Entries of this Expense Type will flow to Payroll Batch or not. select N/A to no and if selected the appropriate Pay Type than the sum of the amount of this Expense Type will be summed to the Pay Type during the Payroll Generation of the Expense Period.
WebLeave (Employee Portal) tab
The options in this tab are for the Expense Claims Application.
General Functions
When Visible in Expense Claims Application is checked, this Expense type is visible for the Employee Portal User to select to apply Expense Claims.
When the Application Required Attachment is checked, the Employee Portal User must submit an attachment when applying an Expense Claim for this Expense type. E.g. Hotel Voucher. unless the Application allows missing Attachments to be checked.
If the Application Required Attachment and Application allow missing Attachment are both checked, the applicant can apply without Attachment. However, the Missing Attachment checkbox in Expense Entry will be automatically checked after the application is approved.
The Minimum Amount allowed to claim is the minimum amount allowed to apply for the expense claims for this Expense Type.
The Maximum Amount allowed to claim is the maximum amount allowed to apply for the expense claims for this Expense Type.
If Allow Unapproved Expense Claims Application Withdrawal is turned off, the applicant cannot withdraw (delete) his/her own unapproved Expense Claims application.
Expense Date Restriction
Allow Expense Date Start Date 1 options are (After / On or After)
Join Date
Probation End Date
1 month of service
3 months of service
6 months of service
1 year of service
4 weeks (28 days) of service
40 weeks (280 days) of service (e.g. Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave)
Allow Expense Date Start Date 2 options are (After / On or After)
Period End Date of the generated payroll (good for the leave type that involved payroll. e.g. The employee is not allowed to apply Expense Claims that the Expense Date is in 2022 March if 2022 March Payroll is generated for the employee)
Employee User-Defined Date Fields defined in Master Setup, Employee User Defined Fields tab.
Company User-Defined Date Fields defined in Company Setup, Company User-Defined Fields panel.
When Maximum days between Expense Date and Apply Date is defined. The applicant must apply the application no more than X days after the Expense Date. (Applicable to Backdate Application only)
Explanation on Employee Portal
When defined, it will show on the Apply Expense Claims screen in the Employee Portal under the Expense Type combo box. Explanation on Employee Portal supports simple HTML tags (e.g. <b><i><span style="color:red">)
Maximum per year
When Enable Expense Type Balance is turned on, The Maximum Amount allowed to apply per year or the Maximum number of times allowed to apply per year can be defined for this particular Expense type. This is good for defining the balance of this Expense Type.
When the Maximum Amount allowed to apply per year is defined. The applicant must apply not more than the defined amount per year. The calendar year period is defined in Started at.
When the Maximum number of times allowed to apply per year is defined. The applicant must apply not more than the number of times allowed to apply days per year. The calendar year period is defined in Started at.
There is a first-year pro-rata calculation for these two options (unless the No Prorata for the first year checkbox is checked).
"Started at" can be the 1st of each Calendar Month or the date of the Anniversary.
Expense Type Balance will only be shown on the Employee Portal when
"Enable Expense Type Balance" check-box (in Expense Type) is checked.
"Show Expense Type Balance" check-box (in Expense Type) is checked.
"Show Expense Type Balance" check-box (in Employee Master, EPortal tab) is checked.
Approval Workflow
Employee Class
Approval Workflow
The available options are:
Employee Portal Setup
All Approvers
Any Approvers
By Level
Self Approval
When "Employee Portal Setup" is selected, the setting is defined in the Employee Portal Setup, Leave Application tab's Approval Workflow panel. This setting can be overridden by the setting defined in the Employee Master, EPortal tab.
Approver 1-5
This setting defines the number of approvers required and the approval sequence (if by level) for this expense type. It allows for different approvers to be assigned to different expense types.
See also: What is "Approval Workflow"?
When one or more Employee Class is checked in the Employee Class Tab, this Expense type will only applicable to those employees belong to that Employee Class(es).
When no selection is checked, the Expense Type will available to all employees. (this option is applicable to both HRPro and Employee Portal)
User Defined Fields
This tab defines whether or not the User Defined Fields defined in Expense Module Setup, User Defined Fields tab applies to this Expense type.
Check the Visible in EPortal checkbox if this User Defined Field applies to this expense type.