Generate Payroll Batch

Generate Payroll Batch is under Payroll.

Generate Payroll Batch function is used to process payroll for a group of employees simultaneously.  This feature helps streamline payroll processing by allowing HR managers to generate payroll for multiple employees in one go, rather than processing each employee's payroll individually. It ensures consistency, accuracy, and efficiency in payroll management.

HRPro prepares the payroll according to 

Use Generate Payroll Batch to generate the Payroll Batch for the month. Amendment and checking could then be performed before posting the data. If the employee needs to be paid twice or more within a month, use the Mid-Month Payroll for the first and subsequent payment, and the Payroll for the final payment. 

Payroll calculation may be simply performed with a mouse click.  The payroll system prepares the payroll according to the details in the employee records.  By selecting this item, the system would automatically generate an unprotected batch of payroll calculations.  Adjustment and checking could then be performed before protecting the data. 

When you choose this item, a warning message appears if you have already performed this action for the stated month. 

If the payroll record is ever amended, the payroll records will not be overwritten by the generated payroll batch. You may need to delete the payroll record before generate again.