Employee Class
Employee Class is under Master.
In HRPro, the Employee Class categorizes employees based on shared attributes like benefits, work schedules, payroll settings, and other relevant criteria. This classification streamlines HR management by grouping employees with similar characteristics, making it easier to apply consistent rules and settings across the board.
In the Employee Class, the Default Salary Info tab, Default HR Info tab, Default Other Info tab, and Default EPortal tab contain default values for creating a new employee. These values are populated into the Employee Master when the employee class is assigned to a new employee. Therefore, changing the settings in these four tabs will not affect existing employee master records.
However, the Payroll and Auto Bonus tabs do not have default values. Employees assigned to this Employee Class will follow the settings specified in these tabs.
Regarding payroll, employees in different employee classes can have different pay dates, and the auto-pay file can be generated by employee class as well.
Default Salary Info tab
You can define the default Monthly Salary, Daily Rate, Hourly Rate, and Regular Payments for a particular employee class. If defaults are not needed, leave them as zero. Please note that the User Definable Pay Types support User Defined Formulas.
O.T. Type (Workday): Define the O.T. Type for after office hours (integrated with the attendance module).
O.T. Type (Rest day): Define the O.T. Type for Rest Days (and Off Days for Roster Employees) such as Sundays and Holidays, except Saturdays (integrated with the attendance module).
O.T. Type (Saturday): Define the O.T. Type for Rest Days that fall on a Saturday (integrated with the attendance module).
O.T. Type (SH): Define the O.T. Type for Statutory Holidays (integrated with the attendance module).
O.T. Type (PH - SH): Define the O.T. Type for Public Holidays that are not Statutory Holidays (integrated with the attendance module).
O.T. Type (CallBack): Define the O.T. Type for CallBack Overtime (integrated with the attendance module).
O.T. Type 7 to 8: No integration with the attendance module.
See also
Default HR Info tab
Default Other Info tab
Default EPortal
If the user change the employee class of an EXISTING employee in Employee Master (e.g. from GENERAL to MANAGER), HRPro will ask Do you wish to overwrite the existing Employee values with Employee Class Default Values?
If user click Yes, the new employee class attributes (e.g. OT Type, Entitlement Class, except Monthly Salary/Hourly Rate/Daily Rate/Regular Payments) will be populated to the Employee Master, otherwise, nothing will be changed.
You can use these settings in the Employee Class (that is for this Employee Class) to override the settings in the Payroll Module Setup (that is for global).
Daily Salary based on: You can overwrite this setting the first three months Holiday Pay, No Pay Leave Rate Formula, Pay Regular Days/Hours for Daily/Hourly Rate Employee, Untaken Annual Leave Pay Daily Rate Formula that is defined in Payroll Module Setup, Payroll tab for this particular Employee Class.
First three months of the Holiday Pay: This option allows you to define the setting that is different from the Payroll Module Setup, Payroll tab for this employee class. The available options are Payroll Module Setup, 12-month Average Wage, Current Month Average Wage, and No Wage.
Pay Daily/Hourly Rate Employees according to work schedule: The options are Payroll Module Setup, Yes, and No. If it is set to Yes, the Daily/Hourly Employees for this Employee Class will pay according to the Work Schedule. If it is set to No, the Daily/Hourly Employees for this Employee Class will pay according to the Attendance Records.
Annual Leave Pay Daily Rate Formula: It can be defined using User Defined Formula. If it is empty, it defaults to the settings in Payroll Module Setup, Payroll tab, EAO2007 panel.
No Pay Leave Rate Formula: It is either the Hourly Rate or Daily Rate depending on the setting "No Pay Leave Pay by" in the Payroll Module Setup, Payroll tab. No Pay Leave Rate Formula must return a negative value in order to deduct payroll. If the No Pay Leave Rate Formula is empty, it defaults to the Daily Salary based on that defined in Employee Class.
Untaken Annual Leave Pay Daily Rate Formula: It can be defined using the User Defined Formula. If it is empty, it is defaulted to the settings in the Payroll Module Setup, Payroll tab, and Generate Payroll Batch panel.
Examples for Untaken Annual Leave Pay Daily Rate Formula
[12MthsAverageDailyRate] (Statutory)