Leave Entry

Leave Entry is under Leave.

The Leave Entry records approved leave applications and also allows users to input leave entries that cannot be captured by WebLeave or when WebLeave is not enabled.

Leave Entries have their Serial Number, which is distinct from the Serial Number of Leave Applications. These two tables store different information.

In the Leave Module Setup, General tab, and Leave Entry panel, there is an option called "Maximum Number of past periods to display in Leave Entry". This setting allows you to control how many past periods are loaded into Leave Entry. If you have a large volume of Leave Entries, limiting the period can improve loading performance.

Click the Import button to import leave entries. See How to Import Leave Entry from Excel File?

Click the Print button to print Word or Excel documents. See Merge Code for Leave Entry 

Click Show Active to show the leave entries for active employees. Click the Show Inactive to show the leave entries for inactive employees. Click Show All to show all the leave entries.

The total leave days will be calculated automatically, based on the Saturday and Public Holidays setting (as well as the roster table defined). 

When HRPro calculates Leave Days from time, by default the Total Leave Days will be rounded up to hours (i.e. 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, say if the working hours per day is 8 hours, it will become 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, etc). Unless the check box option Return exact time when calculating leave days from time (otherwise, round up to hours) is turned on in Leave Module Setup

If you overwrite the Total Leave Days will switch to Manual Overwrite mode. (Manual Overwrite mode is available if the Enable Leave Days Overwrite in Leave Module Setup, General tab is turned on). 

When a Leave Entry is manually overwritten, the leave days are available to input to overwrite the system-calculated figure. In this case, the leave days will not automatically be allocated to proper leave days/leave hours (as the system is unable to allocate the Leave Entry into the Leave Day Record). 

e.g. If the Leave From is 2015/06/01 and the Leave To is 2015/06/30, and the Leave Days are overwritten to 20 days, HRPro will not know which dates that is on leave. It will affect the accuracy of all the related attendance records as well as all Leave information that is required to specified particular dates. 

e.g. If the Leave On is 2015/06/01 AM and the Leave Days are overwritten to 0.25., HRPro will not know which hours are on leave. It will affect the attendance of the employee on that date (e.g. whether it is late-in or not). 

Manual Overwrite is useful only if no attendance is concerned and the Leave Reports that specified particular dates are not important. 

If the Leave Entry is created by WebLeave's approved leave application and the leave application has attached an attachment,  The attachment can be viewed by clicking the  Attachment tab. 

If you wish to edit the Leave Entry generated by Employee Portal, make sure the checkbox Disallow amend Leave Entry/Adjustment generated by Employee Portal in Leave Module Setup, General Tab is unchecked. 

If Enable Real-Time Validation in Leave Entry in Leave Module Setup, General Tab is turned on, then when creating a new Leave Entry screen, validation will be performed on every change without being required to press the Create button and the validation message will be displayed immediately. 

If the Leave Entry Required Attachment in Leave Type is turned on, an attachment is required for that Leave Type before saving the Leave Entry. However, the checking can be bypassed when the Missing Attachment checkbox is checked. 

If the Leave Entry Required Attachment in Leave Type is not turned on, the Missing Attachment checkbox is a reference only. 

Leave Entries generated by the Employee Portal are non-editable and non-deletable to maintain data integrity unless the option "Disallow amends Leave Entry/Adjustment generated by Employee Portal" in the Leave Module Setup under the General tab is disabled. However, changes made to Leave Entry details will not affect the corresponding Leave Application, as they are different tables. To ensure the data integrity, the applicant must perform the cancel request/rejection, reapply, and reapprove process.