Leave Module Setup, General tab
Leave Module Setup in under System Manager ⇒ HRPro Setup, Leave Module Setup
Enable Leave Module: When turned off, Leave Processing on the menu is not available.
Leave Entry
Enable Leave Days Overwrite (Recommend No): When turned on, the user can input or overwrite the number of leave days the system calculated. It is good if the user does not wish to follow the number of days that the system calculated according to the employee's work schedule. However, if the user overwrites the Leave Days, the system will not be able to determine the exact dates that the employee will take leave. (e.g. input 2 days in a date range of 3 days, HRPro does not know whether the employee's first two days are on leave or the last two days are on leave).
Enable Leave by Whole Day + Half Day: When turned on, the following leave time options will be available in Leave Entry and Leave Application: “AM + Whole Day”, “AM + Whole Day + PM”, and “Whole Day + PM”.
Leave Days should comply with Regular Fraction: see What is "Leave Days comply Regular Fraction" for the usage.
Return exact time when calculating leave days from time (otherwise, round up to hours): When turned off, Leave Day will always round up to the nearest hour. e.g. Leave from 09:00 to 09:24 for 0.4 hours, HRPro rounded it up to 1 hour, and the Leave Day becomes 1 ÷ 8 = 0.125 days.
Do not consider Schedule In/Out Time when calculating leave days from time: When turned on, the number of days calculated is simply the time difference between the leave start and end times. Otherwise, Scheduled in/Out time will be considered, i.e., the leave time before the scheduled in time and after the scheduled out time will not be counted.
Enable 40 Weeks of Service Checking for Maternity/Paternity Leave: When turned on, employees who have been employed under a continuous contract for less than 40 weeks immediately before the commencement of scheduled maternity/paternity leave will not be able to create a leave entry for it.
Treat ‘Group Join Date’ as ‘Leave Entitlement Start Date: When turned on, the Group Join Date in the Employee Master, HR Info Tab will be used as the start date to calculate all Leave Entitlements (e.g. Annual Leave, Full Pay Sick Leave, Statutory Sick Leave, etc) (i.e., for the years of service). If the Group Join Date is empty, the Join Date will be used instead.
Disallow Amends Leave Entry/Adjustment generated by Employee Portal: When turned on, all the Leave Entries and Leave Adjustments created by Web Leave cannot be edited or deleted to ensure data integrity.
Enable Real-Time Validation in Leave Entry: When turned on, then when creating a new Leave Entry screen, validation will be performed on every change without being required to press the Create button and the validation message will be displayed on the screen immediately.
Maximum Number of past periods to display in Leave Entry: This setting controls how many past periods are loaded into Leave Entry. If you have a large volume of Leave Entries, limiting the period can improve the loading performance of the Leave Entries.
Rest Day
Rest Day Taken includes: It is useful only for Continuous Contract Roster employees. As their Rest Day Balance is calculated from Rest Day Entitled + Rest Day Adjustment - Rest Day Taken. See Rest Day Balance Processing.
Compensation Leave
Com Leave Based on Hours (not days): When turned on, all Compensation Leave processing is based on hours, it means that your organization's compensation leave - whether it’s vacation days, personal time off, or any other form of leave — is tracked and processed in terms of hours rather than days. i.e., how many hours of balance, how many hours are taken, etc. Crucially, there’s no automatic conversion from hours to days. If you have 20 hours of leave left, it doesn’t mean you have 2.5 days—you simply have 20 hours. So, it’s essential to keep track of your balance accurately.
Employee Compensation Leave Status Report started from the current year: When turned on, only compensation leave and adjustments for the current year will be shown on the Employee Compensation Leave Status Report. Otherwise, all compensation leave and adjustments (starting from employment start date) will be displayed on the report.
Employee Compensation Leave Status Report prints zero balance: When turned on, the Employee Compensation Leave Status Report will be printed out even if an employee's Compensation Leave Balance is zero.
Roster Holiday
This option is for Roster Employees to define how their holidays are entitled.
The option Roster Holiday includes will affect the calculation of
Whether it is a working day or not in Leave Module
number of days of Holiday Pay and OT Pay (SH) in Payroll
Worked Hrs, OT SH (hrs), OT PH -SH (hrs) in Attendance Record
The recommended setting is Roster Table, in that case, Holiday counts the Shifts that are defined as Holiday Shift Type.
Leave Application Approval
Leave Application Approval Action is final: If unchecked and the Approval Workflow is by Level, the approval action in the WebLeave Application will be by level according to the workflow status of the application. Otherwise, the approval action is final for the WebLeave Application. (i.e. will approve or reject the application immediately).
Disable Email Notification for Leave Application Approval: If turned on, no email notification will be sent out when approving or rejecting the applications in the WebLeave Application.
Allow Mass Approval: When turned on, Mass Approval is available in the WebLeave Application.
Maximum Number of past periods to display in Leave Application Approval: It controls how many past periods to load the Leave Application Approval. If you have a large volume of Leave Applications, limiting the period can improve the loading performance of the applications.
Other Settings
Leave Entitlement considers Contract End Date: If turned on and Contract End Date is inputted into Employee Master, HR Info tab, calculating the In-Advance Leave Entitlement (Annual Leave, Casual Leave, Full Pay Sick Leave, etc) will be based on the Contract End Date, not the end of the Leave Entitlement year (e.g. Say assumed the Entitlement Class for first-year entitlement is 12, if the Contract Employee that the Contract End Date is 6 months after the join date, the number of days for Leave Entitlement become 6).