Overtime Compensation compensated by Leave Process

Overtime Compensation Compensated by Leave Process is under Attendance.

In HRPro, the Overtime Compensation compensated by Leave Process allows employees to convert their overtime hours into leave instead of receiving monetary compensation. This can be beneficial for both employees and employers, as it provides flexibility in managing work hours and leave balances.

You can create Compensation Leave Entitlements for the employees from the Attendance Records every month using Overtime Compensation by Leave Process. i.e. Overtime for 10 hours in 2018/11 will create 10 hours of Compensation Leave Adjustment (Entitlement) on 2018/12 to allow the employee to apply for compensation leave.  (The adjustment date is the time when the Create Compensation Leave Entitlements is done). 

This process is suitable for companies where some of their Overtime Compensation are compensated by Leave and their compensation is released month by month without requiring the employees to apply the Overtime Compensation Application or Employee Portal is not installed. 

The following conditions must be met for overtime compensation compensated by leave,

It is assumed full Attendance Records exist for the period. Regeneration is possible only after the corresponding Leave Adjustment created by the system is deleted.