Employee Master, HR Info tab
HR Info is under Master ⇒ Employee Master.
The HR Info tab is designed to maintain comprehensive employee information. This encompasses HR-related data, emergency contact details, work schedule definitions, and MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund) information. By consolidating all essential employee information in one place, it ensures that data is securely stored and readily accessible for efficient HR management.
Join Date: This is the employee's start date with the company.
Group Join Date: Group Join Date refers to the initial joining date within the group of companies, such as when an employee transfers from another company in the group. If the option to treat the "Group Join Date" as the "Annual Leave Entitlement Start Date" is enabled in the Leave Module Setup, Annual Leave tab, the Group Join Date will be used to calculate annual leave entitlement (i.e., years of service). If the Group Join Date is not specified, the Join Date will be used instead.
Probation End Date: This is when an employee's probation period concludes. This date is crucial for determining whether the employee will be confirmed in their position or if the employment contract will be terminated.
Termination Date: This is the employee's last date of employment.
Termination Reason: This is used to document the specific reason for an employee's termination. This can include reasons such as resignation, retirement, redundancy, or other circumstances leading to the end of employment. Recording the termination reason helps maintain accurate records and can be useful for future reference, compliance, and reporting purposes.
Last Working Date: This marks the employee's final day of work.
Resignation Date: This is the date the employee formally resigns.
Last Appraisal Completion Date: This refers to the date on which the most recent performance appraisal for an employee was completed and finalized. This date is important for tracking the appraisal cycle and ensuring that performance reviews are conducted regularly and on time.
Next Appraisal Date: This is the scheduled date for an employee's upcoming performance appraisal. This Date helps HR managers and employees prepare for the review process, ensuring that appraisals are conducted regularly and on time.
Contract End Date: This is the date on which an employee's current employment contract is set to expire. This date is important for managing fixed-term contracts, and renewals, and ensuring compliance with contractual terms. It also helps in planning for contract renewals or transitions well in advance to avoid any disruptions. When the Contract End Date is specified, and the Leave Entitlement considers Contract End Date option (found in the Leave Module Setup, General Tab) is enabled, the calculation for in-advance leave entitlement (including Annual Leave, Casual Leave, and Full Pay Sick Leave) will be based on the Contract End Date rather than the end of the Annual Leave Entitlement year. This ensures that leave entitlements align with the employee’s contract duration.
MPF Panel
P. F. Joined: Options available are MPF, ORSO and NONE.
Voluntary Contribution Scale: The available options are Fixed Amount, Percentage, and N/A.
Select N/A if Voluntary Contribution is not applicable.
Select Fixed Amount if the Voluntary Contribution is a fixed amount.
For Percentage Contribution, please look at the MPF Voluntary Contribution Explanation.
"ERMC Commence on": This is the date the employer starts contributing by deducting from the employee's salary, usually the Join Date. This Date is based on predefined rules and is not user-selectable. When the option "MPF Commence Date considers Group Join Date" is enabled in the Payroll Module Setup under the MPF Tab, the "ERMC Commence on" will be based on the Group Join Date instead of the Join Date.
"EEMC Commence on": This is the date an employee is required to contribute by deducting from their salary. Typically, this is 30 + N days of employment (where N is the first incomplete payroll cycle). Salaries before this date do not require EE contributions.
"ERVC Commence On" and "EEVC Commence On": They depend on the options "Voluntary Contributions started in the new month after completion of Probation" and "Voluntary contributions commence in the month following the completion of the probation period" in the Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab, Additional Voluntary Contribution panel.
EE Join Scheme Date: Depending on the option: Treat "EE Join Scheme Date" as "EE Commence Date" (in Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab),
When this option is turned off:
The "EE Join Scheme Date" serves as a reference field and is not used for MPF calculation.
When this option is turned on:
The MPF calculation treats the "EE Join Scheme Date" as the "EE Commence Date". For example, if the "EE Join Scheme Date" is set to the Join Date, the EE contribution will start from the Join Date, and the first contribution will occur in that month.
MPF Account: It needs to be selected only if different from the Default MPF Account defined in the Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab. For more details, see Multiple MPF Accounts per company.
Plan No.: If there are no multiple plans associated with an MPF Account, you can leave the Plan No. field blank. The system will automatically retrieve the plan number from the Default MPF Account defined in the Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab.
Disable 60 days of first contribution retention: When is turned on, the first contribution period begins from the Join Date. Contributions will not be held until the employee has worked for 60 days (opposite of enabling the option Enable 60 days first contribution retention in Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab).
Make Employer/Employee Contributions starting from Join Date (e.g., after transferring from an associated company): When it is turned on, the ER/EE Commence Date will start from the Join Date (or Group Join Date, depending on the option MPF Commence Date considers Group Join Date in the Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab). The first contribution period will be the payroll period in which the 60th day of employment falls.
Casual Employee under the Industry Scheme: See What is Casual Employee in HRPro?
Definition: Casual employees in industries with high labour mobility, such as construction and catering.
Features: These employees do not need to switch schemes when changing jobs, as long as both employers participate in the same Industry Scheme.
Benefits: Simplifies the process of managing MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund) accounts and contributions.
Casual Employee under the Master Trust Scheme:
Definition: Casual employees who are enrolled in a Master Trust Scheme, which is a type of MPF scheme.
Features: Employers must notify the trustee when a casual employee ceases employment.
Benefits: Provides a structured way to manage contributions and benefits for casual employees.
Overseas Employee: When checked, MPF contributions will start 13 months after the Visa Start Date.
"Other Employment Contracts" button
If the employee is a multiple contracts employee (an employee who has more than one employment contract within the system. This could be due to holding different positions, working in different departments, or having separate contracts for different projects or roles. Each contract would have its own employment details, such as join date, termination date, and leave entitlements), The "Other Employment Contracts" button will be available, clicking this button will display the details of other contracts.
"418 Checking" button
The "418 Checking" button is used to generate a message box that helps verify compliance with the Employment Ordinance's continuous contract regulations. This message checks if an employee's contract meets the criteria for continuous employment, which is important for determining entitlements like annual leave, sick leave, and other statutory benefits.
See 418 Checking for the explanation.
"468 Checking" button
The "468 Checking" button is used to generate a message box that helps verify compliance with the Employment Ordinance's continuous contract regulations. This message checks if an employee's contract meets the criteria for continuous employment, which is important for determining entitlements like annual leave, sick leave, and other statutory benefits.
Section 468 is a proposed change to relax the continuous contract requirement. Instead of 18 hours per week over four weeks, the new rule would require employees to work at least 68 hours over four weeks to qualify for continuous contract status. This change aims to provide more flexibility and benefits to part-time and casual workers
Non-Continuous Contract Employee: Indicates that this employee is not a Continuous Contract Employee (418 Employee).
Part-time Employee and Internship Employee: These are reference fields only and have no actual processing in HRPro.
EAO2007 Exemption (a.k.a 713 Exemption): When checked, the employee's daily rate will use the current month's daily wage rather than the 12-month average wage, even if the EAO2007 checkbox (Payroll Calculation compliant with Employment (Amendment) Ordinance 2007) in Payroll Module Setup is checked.
Enable Attendance Record: When this option is not checked, no attendance record can be created for the employee.
Enable Timesheet without Time Clock Info: If turned on, Time Clock Info is not required for this employee's Attendance Records. This option must be enabled in the Attendance Module Setup to be effective.
Allow Pay Slip by Email: If not checked, no Pay Slip is generated when the output to email is selected during the printing of Pay Slip (See How to Email Pay Slip to Employee).
Use Attendance Records for 418/468 Checking: When checked, the buttons 418 Checking and 468 Checking will use Attendance Records instead of the Global Working Hours/Roster Table to perform the check. See 418 Checking.
Work Hours based on
If the employee is a Roster Employee, please select the Roster Code from the Roster Table. Otherwise, select the Global Work Hours Type from Global Working Hours.