Employee Master, HR Info tab

HR Info is under MasterEmployee Master.

The HR Info tab is designed to maintain comprehensive employee information. This encompasses HR-related data, emergency contact details, work schedule definitions, and MPF (Mandatory Provident Fund) information. By consolidating all essential employee information in one place, it ensures that data is securely stored and readily accessible for efficient HR management.

MPF Panel

"Other Employment Contracts" button

 If the employee is a multiple contracts employee (an employee who has more than one employment contract within the system. This could be due to holding different positions, working in different departments, or having separate contracts for different projects or roles. Each contract would have its own employment details, such as join date, termination date, and leave entitlements), The "Other Employment Contracts" button will be available, clicking this button will display the details of other contracts.

"418 Checking" button

The "418 Checking" button is used to generate a message box that helps verify compliance with the Employment Ordinance's continuous contract regulations. This message checks if an employee's contract meets the criteria for continuous employment, which is important for determining entitlements like annual leave, sick leave, and other statutory benefits.

See 418 Checking for the explanation.

"468 Checking" button

The "468 Checking" button is used to generate a message box that helps verify compliance with the Employment Ordinance's continuous contract regulations. This message checks if an employee's contract meets the criteria for continuous employment, which is important for determining entitlements like annual leave, sick leave, and other statutory benefits.

Section 468 is a proposed change to relax the continuous contract requirement.  Instead of 18 hours per week over four weeks, the new rule would require employees to work at least 68 hours over four weeks to qualify for continuous contract status. This change aims to provide more flexibility and benefits to part-time and casual workers


Work Hours based on