Roster Table

Roster Table is under Master.

The Roster Table in HRPro is used to define and manage employee schedules and shifts. This table allows you to:

Roster Table is made by assigning the Shift Code of each day to define the work schedule for the employees that assigned this Roster Code.

Click [+] to define new Roster Code.

Click [-] to delete an existing Roster Code.

Click [Edit] to edit the description, Leave and Attendance Period of this Roster Code. See Edit Roster Table.

Click the Roster Code (in Blue) to add or amend the Period Roster Table of that Roster Code.

Click [+] to define Roster Table for new periods.

Select the Periods you wish to create and optionally change the shift code on the pattern, you can further edit the Period Roster Table in the below Edit Roster Details screen. Click Create to create the Period Roster Tables. 

This pattern reflects the most recent roster code created by this user. For example, if the user assigned REST on the Monday column last month, this month will also display REST on Monday as a default.

Edit Roster Details

To bulk-set the shift codes of the roster table, you can use the combo boxes at the top of the calendar. For example:

You can also update the roster by period using the Roster Update feature. Supervisors can use Roster Assignment in the Employee Portal to assign shifts for their direct subordinates.

When changing the Shift Code in the Roster Table, any related attendance records (Late-In, Early-Out, Overtime, Absent, etc.) will be recalculated.

If the Assumed One Employee per Roster option is enabled in Master Setup, Rest Day and Statutory Holiday Balance information will be shown. The leave type of approved leave for this employee will appear in red on the Roster Calendar to ensure the proper shift code is assigned.

Typically, a shift code must be assigned to all dates. However, when one employee per roster is assumed, no shift code is assigned before the join date or after the termination date of the employee.

When the Enable Roster Table Autosave option in the Master Setup, General tab is turned on, any changes made are automatically saved. The total number of working hours and days are updated instantly. This feature ensures that your work is continuously saved without needing to manually hit the save button.

When the Roster Table Show Holiday option in the Master Setup, General tab is turned on, holidays from the Holiday Table will be displayed on the Roster for easier reference.

Rest Day and Statutory Holiday Balance

For the definition of Balance Brought Forward, Current Period Entitled, Current Period Assigned, and Period End Balance in Rest Day, see Rest Day Balance Processing

For the definition of Balance Brought Forward, Current Period Entitled, Current Period Assigned, and Period End Balance in Statutory Holiday, see Holiday Balance Report.

Roster with Location

When the option Enable Roster Location Assignment in Master Setup is turned on, you are able to assign the work location of the Shift to the Roster Date.