MPF Account
MPF Account is under Master.
The MPF Account in HRPro refers to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) account management feature. HRPro streamlines the entire process of managing MPF contributions, from payroll calculation to remittance and reporting. It handles both mandatory and voluntary contributions, ensuring compliance with regulations and providing accurate contribution management.
HRPro supports multiple MPF Accounts per company, Go to Master Setup > MPF Account to define the MPF Interface File information. The Default MPF Account is defined in Payroll Module Setup, MPF tab. The MPF Account for individual employee (if different than the default) is defined in Employee Master, HR Info Tab.
eMPF Format
Once your MPF trustee is Onboarded to the eMPF Platform, you can select the [eMPF] format to generate the CSV file for eMPF Platform.
The format [eMPF] required
Employer Account Number 15 digits
Scheme Code 10 digits
Payroll Group ID 20 digits
The format [BCTCL] (for Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited 銀聯信託有限公司) required
Employer ID. 3 digits
Scheme Code 11 digits
The format [BOCI-PRUD] (for BOCI-Prudential Trustee Limited 中銀國際英國保誠信託有限公司) required
Scheme No. 11 digits
Sequence No.
The format [HSBC_ITS] (for HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Asia) Limited 匯豐機構信託服務(亞洲)有限公司) required
Company Code 4 digits
Scheme Code 4 digits
Company Name up to 40 characters
The format [HSBC_LIFE] (for HSBC Life (International) Limited 匯豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司) required
Employer ID 8 digits
Form Number, it may be INB1, INB2, HAB1, HAB2, INBA, HABA
The format [HSBC_PFT] Excel (for HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited) required
Pay Centre
Employer ID
Company Name
Template File Name (HASE Value Choice.xltx for Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund ValueChoice, SuperTrustPlus.xltx for HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund SuperTrust Plus)
The format [HSBC_PFT] Text (for HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited) required
Employer ID
The format [MANULIFE] (for Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited 宏利公積金信託有限公司) required
Sub-Scheme No./Group No. 8 digits
Sub-group No. 2 digits
The format [AIA] (for AIA Company (Trustee) Limited 友邦 (信託) 有限公司) required
Plan No. 6 digits
Benefit Plan No. 6 digits
The format [SUNLIFE] (for Sun Life Trustee Company Limited 永明信託有限公司) required
Employer Code
Reporting Centre (RC No.)