Notice Board

Employee Portal Users can view the notices of their department or the notices that did not a specified department in the Notice Board. 

Notice Board is available only when Enable Notice Board in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service Tab is turned on.

You can filter the notices using the Category drop-down list. 

Or you can type the keyword in the search box to filter the notices. 

Select Unread for the notice that is not signed as read. 

You can view the Notice prepared by the Notice Board Admin by clicking the hyperlink of the name of the Notice in the Notice Board

Notice Board Administrator

Notice Board is maintained by the employee that the Notice Board Admin. check box option is checked in Employee Master, EPortal Tab.  If you are a Notice Board Admin, the maintenance options (Add, Edit, Delete, Announce) are available. 

If you click Add New Notice button or Edit link, the Maintain Notice screen will be displayed. If you click Announce button, the Announce Notice screen will be displayed. 


Here are some content suggestions for your Notice Board,