What is "Allow amending Shift Code for individual Attendance Record" in Attendance Module Setup
In Attendance Module Setup, General tab, Attendance Records panel, there is a check-box option Allow amending Shift Code for individual Attendance Record.
When this option is turned on:
1. the Shift Code is allowed to amend in Attendance Record for an individual employee. It is good for a common roster table (i.e. Roster Table shared with multiple employees, but an individual employee wishes to change the shift code of a particular date).
2. However, updating the Roster Master Table will not update the Shift Code of the Attendance Records.
When this option is turned off (the default):
1. The Shift Code in Attendance is unable to amend.
2. Update the Shift code of the Roster Master Table will update the Attendance Records. This is good for the situation that Each Roster Table for each employee.
3. Attendance Update will repopulate the Shift Codes to the Attendance Record.
See also: