What is In Out Mode?

In Out Mode is the indicator to indicate how to handle the time in Attendance Raw Data into Attendance Record. i.e. What is the time in the Attendance Raw Data stand for?  

The followings are the available In Out Mode

0 - Work-in, earliest check-in time

1 - Meal-out

2 - Meal-in

3 - Rest-out

4 - Rest-in

9 - Work-out, latest check-out time

10 - Work-in (meal-in/rest-in from scan range)

19 - Work-out (meal-out/rest-out from scan range)

20 - Call-Back In Time

29 - Call-Back Out Time

30 - Work-in work-out from Scan Range (no meal/rest time)

31 - All work-in work-out, meal-in, meal-out, rest-in, rest-out from Scan Range

98 - First In Last Out (meal-in meal-out rest-in rest-out from scan range)

99 - First In Last Out

Please note that In Out mode are only a set of predefined logic to predict the Attendance Time. It cannot handle the exceptional situation (e.g. Out of Scan Range, Late or Early Out, Half day Leave, Leave by Time, etc). In that case, a manual adjustment in Attendance Record is required.