Download IR56M
Employees with the below conditions are set is enabled to download their IR56M (Notification of Remuneration Paid to Persons Other Than Employees) in Employee Portal when the check-box Enable "Download IR56B/M" in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab is turned on.
Hong Kong Income Tax Taxable turned on (in Employee Master, IR tab)
Non-Employee for IR56M turned on (in Employee Master, Inland Revenue tab)
Disable "Salary History" turned off (in Employee Master, EPortal tab)
IR56M of the employee exists
Click the Taxation Year you wish to download IR56M to download the IR56M in pdf format. Only posted IR56M batches are available to download.
The number of years allowed to be displayed is depending on the option Maximum Number of Years to display in View IR56B/M in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service Tab