Time Correction Request
Use Time Correction Request to apply Time Clock Correction Request Application.
The Time Clock Correction Request Application is a tool that allows employees to request corrections to their clock-in and clock-out times. This can be useful if there were any errors or discrepancies in the recorded times, such as failing to clock in or out correctly. Employees can submit this request to ensure their attendance records are accurate.
Select the Date of Correction: Choose the specific date that needs correction. You can conveniently select "Today" for the current date or "Yesterday" for the previous date.
Enter Corrected Time Information: Input the correct work-in or work-out time as needed. If the 'Time selection supports overnight' option (found in the Employee Portal Setup under the General tab) is enabled, you can input attendance for the next day to handle overnight shifts.
Enter Reason for Correction: Input the reason for the correction as needed.
Submit the Request: Submit the correction request for approval by your approver(s) by clicking the Apply button.
Attaching Attachment
If the check-box option Enable Attachment (in Employee Portal Setup) is checked, Attachment is enabled. You can attach multiple attachments (up to 5) when applying application.
Amend and Withdraw Application
For an existing unapproved application, applicant can amend the on screen information and click the Resubmit button to resubmit the application. If the applicant prefer to withdraw (delete) the application, click the Withdraw button to withdraw.