Update Personal Particulars

Employees can review their particulars online. Some fields can be updated by employees, and these changes are sent to the HR administrator for confirmation and updating in the Employee Master. 

To approve or reject the application, visit the Update Personal Particulars Approval section. 

The HR administrator's email address is specified in the Company Setup under the General tab in the Company Information panel. 

Update Personal Particulars is available when the check-box Enable "Update Personal Particulars" in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service Tab is turned on. 

All User Defined Fields (Except Long Text) in Employee Master, Other Info tab are allowed to request to be updated if the check-box options Enable Update... in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service Tab, and Update Personal Particulars panel are checked. 

The  Qualifications and Skills section is available when the check-box option Enable update "Qualifications and Skills" request in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab, and Update Personal Particulars panel is turned on. Moreover, the Qualifications and Skills Master Table must already be defined. 

The  Employment History sections are available when the check-box option Enable update "Employment History" request in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service tab, and Update Personal Particulars panel is turned on. 

The content of the reply Email can be defined in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service Tab