GL Voucher Excel File

This is the cost allocation of the payroll by GL Voucher Accounts that defined at Payroll Cost Centre and Pay Type Table and optionally Department

The Voucher No. 1 is the Payroll Voucher, the Voucher No. 2 is the MPF Contribution Voucher. 

In general, Payroll Voucher is 

Dr Salary

Cr Employee MPF Contribution  (B/S Item)

Cr Bank

MPF Contribution Voucher is 

Dr Employee MPF contribution (B/S item) 

Dr Employer MPF contribution (P/L item)  

Cr Bank 

GL Voucher Excel File can be generated at Generate GL Voucher in Payroll Management

You can control whether display the MPF Contribution Voucher or not by turned on the check-box option Exclude MPF Contribution Voucher in GL Voucher in Payroll Module Setup, Payroll tab

If Reference is inputted to Department, the GL Voucher generated by Generate GL Voucher will be grouped not only Account, Sub-Account from Payroll Cost Centre but also Account, Sub-Account from Payroll Cost Centre, Department Reference from Department.