Payroll Module Setup, Mid-Month Payroll tab
Payroll Module Setup, Mid-Month Payroll tab is under System Manager ⇒ HRPro Setup, Payroll Module Setup.
Generate Mid-Month Payroll Batch
Enable Mid-Month Payroll Batch: When turned on, Mid-Month Payroll Processing is available.
Enable Multiple Mid-Month Payroll Batches per Month: It is to enable Multiple Mid-month Payroll Batches per Month.
Employee Salary Payment Pay at Mid-Month Batch: When enabled, the following pay items will be paid at Mid-Month Batch. (This is usually the case for month-end commission, OT pay, etc)
Work Pay
Double Pay
Holiday Pay
Leave Pay
Sickness Allowance
Injury Leave Allowance
Maternity Leave Allowance
No Pay Leave Deduction
Employee User-defined Payment Pay at Mid-Month Batch: When enabled, the user-defined payment specified in the Employee Master (under Salary Info) will be processed in the Mid-Month Payroll Batch.
Daily/Hourly Rate Employee Work Pay Prepaid in Mid-Month: When enabled, the Mid-Month Payroll Batch will calculate the number of worked days or hours from the Attendance Records for the period from the 1st to the 15th of the month. The Month-End Payroll Batch will then calculate the total number of worked days or hours from the Attendance Records for the entire month, adjusting for the prepayment made in the Mid-Month Payroll Batch. (The default setting is OFF).
Mid-Month Payroll Amendment
Maximum Number of Past Periods to display in Mid-Month Payroll Amendment: This setting controls how many past periods are loaded into the Mid-Month Payroll Amendment. If you have a large volume of Mid-Month Payroll Batches, limiting the period can improve the loading performance of the Mid-Month Payroll Batches in Mid-Month Payroll Amendment.
Mid-Month MPF
Enable Mid-Month Contribution for Casual Employees under the MPF Scheme: When turned on, Causal Employees can contribute MPF on the Mid-Month Payroll.
Casual Employee Contribution considers Leave Pay: When turned on, the MPF contribution will include the number of days for Holiday Pay, Annual Leave Pay, Sickness Allowance, Maternity Leave Pay, and Paternity Leave Pay.
Reserve Mid-Month MPF to month-end: When turned on, HRPro calculates the MPF for mid-month and deducts that MPF amount without paying it to the employee. (Usually, it is for the case that the month-end amount is not enough to pay the MPF (e.g. for month-end payroll is for commission payment – say the mid-month amount is $20,000 and the month-end amount is $500), so the $1,000 MPF contribution is reserved to month-end)
Reserve Mid-Month MPF to month-end: When turned off, HRPro does not calculate the MPF amount and pay to the employee for the full amount (usually for commission at mid-month).
Please note that all the pay items from the Mid-Month Payroll Batch are aggregated to the Month End Payroll Batch during the Generate Payroll Batch.