HRPro Employee Portal Installation Procedure on Windows Server
Preparation – install Internet Information Server (IIS) and ASP.NET
1. Install Windows Server 2012 or above with all security updates, hot fixes and service pack from Windows Update.
2. Open Server Manager, click 2 Add roles and features
3. Click Next to the Server Roles, check Web Server (IIS)
4. Click Add Features button
5. Click Next to the Features tab, check ASP.NET 4.5
6. Select All components in Application Development in the Role Services tab.
Click Next and Install. After Install completed, restart the Server.
7. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Server Manager -> Tools)
8. Setup the Employee Portal Web Site
8.1) Create a folder using your company name (e.g. MyCompany) under c:\inetpub\wwwroot,
8.2) Copy all the Employee Portal files from the EPortal subfolder inside the Setup Package and put them into c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyCompany with all subfolders.
8.3) Open IIS Manager again, go to Web Sites -> [MyCompany]. Right Click, Convert to Application.
Define the SQL Server Connection String
Modify the EPortal.Config to define the SQL Server Connection String.
<add key="data source" value="NUTECH-OFFICE\SQL2019"/>
<add key="initial catalog" value="dbHRPro"/>
<add key="user id" value="sa"/>
<add key="password" value="password"/>
For connectionstring, Data Source is the name of the SQL Server, Initial Catalog is the application database name, user id is the sql server userid, password is the sql server password. If you preferred password encryption, please refer to How to Enable SQL Server Password Encryption.
You may have a permissions issue when you save the edited EPortal.config using Notepad. You can either
Save to desktop and copy back to the original location
Search Notepad, right click and select run as administrator and then open the file using the file open dialogue.
3) Save the file.
Launching EPortal
1) In IE, type http://localhost/mycompany. If the following screen can display properly, the installation is completed.
See also:
Other Installation and Setup Information