Definition of Attendance Status

Absent - is a Working Day with no Attendance data and Leave record. 

Late-In - Late In (Mins) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Early-Out - Early Out (Mins) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Overtime (Workday) - Over-Time Workday (Hrs) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Overtime (Rest day) - Over-Time Rest day (Hrs) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Overtime (Saturday/Off)  - Over-Time Saturday/Off (Hrs) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Overtime (SH) - Over-Time SH (Hrs) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Overtime (PH -SH) - Over-Time PH -SH (Hrs) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Overtime (Callback) - Over-Time CallBack (Hrs) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Short - Short (Mins) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Meal-Short - Meal Short (Mins) in Attendance Record more than zero.

Card-Time-Overwrited - The In/Out/etc Time is different to the Card In/Out/etc Time. 

Missed-Swipe - Have In Time, No Out Time. Have Meal In Time, No Meal Out Time, etc.

No-Shift - No Shift Code defined in Roster Table for that date if the employee is Roster Employee.

Out-Of-Sequence - The attendance times are not in sequence (e.g. Work Out Time earlier than Work In Time).

Attendance Status can be found in