HRPro.config Settings

HRPro.config is the configuration file for storing site-specific information, such as SQL Server connection details and SMTP server settings. HRPro now prioritizes the settings in HRPro.config over those in Web.config, making HRPro.config a static file that remains on the customer site, effectively ignoring the settings in Web.config.

Minimal HRPro.config settings

<appSettings>  <add key="data source" value="NUTECH-OFFICE\HRPRO2021"/>  <add key="initial catalog" value="dbHRPro"/>  <add key="user id" value="sa"/>  <add key="password" value="Password"/></appSettings>

data source - the SQL server instance name (If you prefer using IP address as the data source, please use the syntax something like that

 <add key="data source" value="tcp:,1433"/>)

initial catalog - the HRPro Application database name 

user id - the SQL server User ID

password - the SQL server password for user id (see How to enable SQL Server Password Encryption in order to encrypt the password)

Completed HRPro.config settings

<appSettings>  <add key="Data Source" value="tcp:,1433"/>  <add key="Initial Catalog" value="dbHRPro"/>  <add key="User ID" value="sa"/>  <add key="Password" value="P@ssword123456"/>  <add key="Password Encrypted" value="1211711591811841881451421476661"/>  <add key="Integrated Security" value="false"/>  <add key="SMTP From" value=""/>  <add key="SMTP From Name" value="HR Department"/>  <add key="SMTP Network Host" value=""/>  <add key="SMTP Network Port" value="587"/>  <add key="SMTP UserName" value=""/>  <add key="SMTP Password" value="P@ssword123456"/>  <add key="SMTP Password Encrypted" value="1291301901952041952051881391401501481441525832"/>  <add key="SMTP SecureSocketOptions" value="Auto"/>  <add key="SMTP SecureSocketOptions" value="SslOnConnect"/>  <add key="SMTP SecureSocketOptions" value="StartTls"/>  <add key="SMTP SecureSocketOptions" value="StartTlsWhenAvailable"/>  <add key="SMTP SecureSocketOptions" value="None"/>  <add key="SMTP SslProtocols" value="Ssl2"/>  <add key="SMTP SslProtocols" value="Ssl3"/>  <add key="SMTP SslProtocols" value="Tls"/>  <add key="SMTP SslProtocols" value="Tls11"/>  <add key="SMTP SslProtocols" value="Tls12"/>  <add key="SMTP NoCertValidation" value="false"/>  <add key="SMTP CCToSender" value="false"/>  <add key="SMTP BCCToSender" value="false"/>  <add key="SMTP Timeout" value="100000"/>  <add key="SMTP Send Wait" value="0" />  <add key="MaxUploadFileSize" value="41943040"/>  <add key="EventLogMaximumRecords" value="10000"/>  <add key="dbCommandTimeout" value="600"/>  <add key="dbConnectionTimeout" value="15"/>  <add key="GeneralExcelSingleDateTimeIOMode" value="99"/>  <add key="GeneralExcelCustomDateFormat" value="yyyy/MM/dd"/>  <add key="CompanyLogoURL" value=""/>  <add key="dbHRPro CompanyLogoURL" value=""/>  <add key="IsGridDisplayDeleteConfirmation" value="false"/>  <add key="IsSingleCompanyLogin" value="false"/>  <add key="PLRPS Order By" value="[Batch No.vr_PLRPE.BATCH_NO], [Name.vr_PLRPE.EE_NAME]"/>  <add key="PasswordPolicy" value="8LUDS" />  <add key="EnableCopyToOtherCompany" value="false"/>  <add key="PLFEE_PHOTO_Width" value="1292000"/>  <add key="PLFEE_PHOTO_Height" value="1723000"/>  <add key="ReportPreviewShowSaveButton" value="false"/>  <add key="ReportUseFontFile" value="false"/>  <add key="LoginNotificationSubject" value="HRPro Login Notification"/>  <add key="LoginNotificationHeading" value="Dear [EE_NAME],"/>  <add key="LoginNotificationStyle" value="&lt;style type='text/css'&gt;body {font-size: large;font-family: 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial;}&lt;/style&gt;"/>  <add key="LoginNotificationContent1" value="You have successfully logged in to HRPro on [LOGIN_TIME]."/>  <add key="LoginNotificationContent2" value="You're getting this email to make sure it was you."/>  <add key="LoginNotificationClosing" value="HRPro Online Security"/>  <add key="MandatoryBackgroundColor" value="#F3E5AB"/>  <add key="EnableGenerateBOCIPrudentialMPFExcelFile" value="false" />  <add key="EnableLeavePayCutOffDate" value="false" />  <add key="EmailNotificationStyle" value="&lt;style type='text/css'&gt;body {font-size: small;font-family: 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;} p {font-size: small;font-family: 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;} table {font-size: small;font-family: 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;}&lt;/style&gt;"/>  <add key="EmailSubjectPrefix" value="EPortal: " />  <add key="IsShow4DecimalPlaceForCostCentreReports" value="false" />  <add key="enableAttendanceImportWebAPI" value="false" />  <add key="enableEmployeeWebAPI" value="false" />  <add key="enablePayrollWebAPI" value="false" />  <add key="enablePayRecordWebAPI" value="false"/>  <add key="IsRosterByMonth" value="false" />  <add key="MaximumNoOfActiveEmployees" value="9999" />  <add key="IsEnableIR56BControlList" value="False" />  <add key="SessionTimeOut" value="600"/>  <add key="BAEmailNotificationStyle" value="&lt;style type='text/css'&gt;body {font-size: medium;font-family: 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;} p {font-size: medium;font-family: 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;} table {font-size: x-small;font-family: 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;}&lt;/style&gt;"/>  <add key="BAacceptedAnyIP" value="false" />  <add key="BAacceptedIPAddress" value="" />  <add key="BAalternateRowColor" value="#eeeeee" />  <add key="TestEmailAddressTo" value="" />  <add key="HolidayOnlineUpdateAddress" value=""/>  <add key="PLRPS Top Margin" value="0.5"/>  <add key="PLRPS Left Margin" value="1.5"/>  <add key="EnableAnnualLeaveProratedEntitlementalwaysRoundUp" value="false" />  <add key="PDFReportUseFontFile" value="true" />  <add key="PDFReportAllowInvokeWindowsLibraries" value="false" />  <add key="GridPageSize" value="50" />  <add key="PLFPA_GridPageSize" value="50" />  <add key="DisableWebClientCustomizedReports" value="false" />  <add key="AllowEnableUSDEmployeeSalaryPackage" value="false" />  <add key="AllowGenerateIR56B2018" value="false" />  <add key="AllowCreateIR56F2018" value="false" />  <add key="AllowSimultaneouslyLogin" value="false" />  <add key="SimultaneousLoginIdleMinutes" value="20" />  <add key="DisableTwoStepVerification" value="false" />  <add key="DisableSuperAdmin" value="false" />  <add key="EnableAnnualLeaveConsidersAppointmentHistory" value="false" />  <add key="UseSecureCookies" value="false" /></appSettings>

The completed HRPro.config settings of your version can be found in HRPro.full.config inside the App_Data folder of your web site.

You only need to include the keys you require in HRPro.config. If a key is missing, the system will use its default setting.

For database specific settings, you can put the database name in front of the Key and separated with a space, e.g 

<add key="dbHRPro CompanyLogoURL" ...>

You may have a permission issue when you save the edited HRPro.config using Notepad. You can either

It is recommended to either recycle the Application Pool, restart IIS or restart the server after HRPro.config is amended.