Employee Portal Setup, General Tab

Employee Portal Setup, General tab is under System Manager ⇒ HRPro Setup, Employee Portal Setup

General Functions

When the check-box option Enable Chinese User Interface is turned on, the link 繁中 简中 on the Employee Login Page will be available, and the user can switch to Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese User Interface by clicking these links. 

If Enable Attachment is turned on, attachment is allowed to attach when the applicant applying application. 

If the Enable Background Email is turned on, an email will be sent in the background without waiting for the email to be completely sent. However, please note that some Email Servers are not capable of sending concurrent emails and set throttling limits including the number of messages per minute or day. If the email fails to be sent for some reason (e.g. exceeded throttling limits), the email will be stored in Undeliverable Email in Employee Portal. 

If Password Protect Download Documents is turned on, the download documents (e.g. Pay Slip, IR56B, etc) are password protected. The user must use their Employee Portal Password to open the PDF. 


If Disable Employee Portal Login is turned on, no EPortal User can log in to the Employee Portal. 

When the check-box option Enable "Forget Your Password"  is checked, the link Forget your password? at Employee Login Page will be available, and users can click this link to reset their passwords if users forget their password

If Disable 2-Step Verification is checked, Employee Portal Users cannot turn on the 2-step verification function in Personal Options (EPortal)

Allow Employee Portal Login by 

Employee No. is the default, Employee Portal users are allowed to log in using their Employee Number as the User ID. 

If the Mobile Phone No. is turned on, Employee Portal users are allowed to log in using their Mobile Phone Number as the User ID. Make sure the Mobile Phone Number is not shared by more than one employee. 

If the Email Address is turned on, Employee Portal users are allowed to log in using their Email Address as User ID. Make sure the Email Address is not shared by more than one employee. 

If the Personal Email Address is turned on, Employee Portal users are allowed to log in using the Personal Email Address. This is good for new hire employees who are required to log into the Employee Portal to update personal particulars, etc. when company email addresses are not yet ready. 

If the Badge No. is turned on, Employee Portal users are allowed to log in using their Badge Number as User ID. Make sure Badge No. is not shared by more than one employee. 

If the Make Leave Application As Landing Page is turned on, the landing page after logging in will be the Application. If it is turned off, the landing page can be set according to the landing page in the Personal Options (EPortal) of each EPortal User

If Allow Log in Employee Portal before Employee Join Date is turned on. The Employee Portal User can log in Employee Portal even if the Join Date is in the future date. This is good for new hire employees allowed to log in to EPortal to update their particulars, visit the Company Library, etc. 

2-Step Verification is an optional security feature that adds another layer of verification to the login process. When Enable 2-Step Verification is turned on, each time the EPortal User logs in, the user will be asked to input the one-time passcode that is sent to the user's registered email address. This helps prevent anyone else from accessing the user account without the user's knowledge.  

Password Policy

You can enforce the use of strong passwords through an appropriate password policy. These password policy settings control the complexity of passwords, such as the Passwords must meet complexity requirements policy setting. 

You can specify the following rules for passwords:

iCalendar Feed

Check the Enable iCalendar Link checkbox to enable the iCal button shown in the Company Calendar/Event Calendar. 

Check the Enable iCalendar Feed checkbox to enable the Employee Portal to accept external requests and provide the Calendar events feed. 

The iCalendar Feed valid days define the valid days starting from the date you created the link or until the user is terminated. Users are required to go to Company Calendar or Event Calendar to obtain another link to re-subscribe. 

External Links

This place is to define the links that are displayed on External Links in Employee Portal.