Leave Entitlement Class

Leave Entitlement Class is under Leave.

The "Leave Entitlement Class" in HRPro is used to define and manage different classes of leave entitlements for employees. Here’s how it’s typically used:

This screen helps HR managers customize leave policies to meet the specific needs of their organization and employees, ensuring fair and transparent leave management.

Leave Entitlement Class is to define the 

You can define multiple Entitlement Classes and each employee can have one entitlement class. 

For the Annual Leave Entitlement policy, you can choose either by Entitled and Released at Anniversary Year, Entitled and Released at Calendar Year or Entitled at Anniversary Year, Released at Calendar Year and in advance or not. 

For Calendar Year and Entitled at Anniversary Year, Released at Calendar Year, you can choose the start date too.

Annual Leave 

Leave Year

Entitled and Released at Anniversary Year 

When Leave Year is Anniversary Year, Employees will have entitlement at the date of the anniversary and be released at the anniversary date. 

Entitled and Released at Calendar Year

When Leave Year is Calendar Year, Employees will have a common leave year starting from the date you have chosen each year and entitled to the days you specify in the Entitlement (days). 

Entitled at Anniversary Year, Released at Calendar Year

When Leave Year is Calendar Year (Entitled at Anniversary), Employees will have a common leave year starting from the date you have chosen each year and entitled to the combined days before and after the anniversary year. 

When validating Annual Balance, based on 

There are 3 options Leave Module Setup, Eligible Balance and Actual Balance

In Advance

When checked, the entitlement is in advance, that is, employees will have future entitlement at the date of the anniversary or the date you have chosen each year.

Additional Annual Leave 

If you turn on the Additional Annual Leave Entitlement in the Leave Module Setup, Annual Leave tab, there will be an extra tab for you to fill in. That’s for companies which provide more Annual Leave Entitlement than Government’s minimum requirement, but want the extra one has different entitlement balance.

Full Pay Sick leave 

see Full Pay Sick leave Entitlement for explanation.

Compensation Leave

Com Leave Entitlement Retention Days is to set the Automatic compensation leave expiration. Automatic compensation leave expiration is a policy where unused compensation leave expires after a set period without manual intervention. If employees don’t use their compensation leave within this timeframe, it is forfeited and cannot be carried over. This policy helps organizations manage leave balances efficiently and ensures employees take their leave within the designated period, preventing the accumulation of excessive leave balances.

When the Com Leave Entitlement Retention Days (set to 0 for no retention) is configured, a negative leave adjustment is generated if the compensation leave is not used within the specified days. The criteria for this are based on the Entitlement Date (i.e. The Adjustment Date of the Compensation Leave Entitlement) and the application date. For example, you can set that an employee must submit the application for compensation leave within 7 days from the OT Date (if the Entitlement Date is the OT Date), failing to do so will result in automatic forfeiture of the leave entitlement. (If you wish to control the date of the leave date taken, it is controlled by the Maximum days between Apply Date and Leave Date option in Leave Type.

The unit for Maximum Accumulated Compensation Leave Balance is either days or hours depending on the options Com Leave Based on Hours (not days) in Leave Module Setup, General tab.

Casual Leave 

When Enable Causal Leave is turned on, Causal Leave is avaialble for this Entitlement Class.

When No Casual Leave Entitlement before Probation End Date is turned on, the Casual leave entitlement starting from join date but become zero until Probation End Date is past.

Rest Day

For new join or terminated employee at the middle of the month, 

Auto Annual Leave Forfeiture

Annual Leave Forfeiture and Additional Annual Leave Forfeiture

When the Enable Auto Annual Leave Forfeiture (Override Leave Module Setup) is turned on and the corresponding setting in Leave Module Setup, Annual Leave tab is turned off, whenever the user login HRPro or Employee Portal, HRPro will check the Annual Leave Balance of the Last Release Year End Date of the employees belong to this Leave Entitlement Class

See Leave Module Setup, Annual Leave tab, and Auto Annual Leave Forfeiture panel for a detailed explanation.