How to enable Multiple Employers per database?
You can define multiple employers (tax file numbers) per database for tax declaration.
1. Create the additional Employer in Taxation Module Setup, Employer tab.
Click the Edit button to input the Tax File No., Name, Designation and Company Chop information for IR forms declaration if there is only one employer (Tax File No.) in the database. Employer Name and Address are defined in Company Setup, General tab. The Employer Code for the Default Employer is empty.
Click the Add button to define the Employer Name, Tax File No., Name, Designation, Address and Company Chop information if you have multiple employers (Tax File No.) per database.
2. To define the Employer of the employees, go to Employee Master, IR tab
3. IR56E - Employer's Notification by an Employer of an Employee who commences to be employed
You can either go to Taxation Management > Reports > IR56E to print IR56E Employer's Notification by an Employer of an Employee who commences being employed or find it from the Employee Master print button. IR56E respected the Employer defined in Employee Master, IR tab. See IR56E Printing.
4. IR56B - Employer's Return of Remuneration and Pensions
When Generate IR56B Batch, select each Employer to create different IR56B batches if you have multiple employers per database.
5. Select the corresponding batch if IR56B Amendment is required.
6. Select the corresponding batch to Output IR56B Data File
7. Similar Operation for IR56M (Notification of Remuneration Paid to Persons Other Than Employees). See How to prepare IR56M.
8. IR56F (Employer's Notification of Employee Cessation) and IR56G (Employer's Notification of Employee Cessation and Departure from HK) also respected the employer defined in Employee Master, IR tab.