How to determine OT Pay and OT Hours?
Type of OT Pays
There are eight types of O.T. Pay Type in a Payroll Record.
O.T. (Workday) - define the O.T. Type after office hours (integrated with attendance module).
O.T. (Rest day) - defined the O.T. Type for Rest Days (and Off Days for Roster Employees) (Sunday/Holiday except Saturday, etc) (integrated with attendance module).
O.T. (Saturday/Off) - defined the O.T. Type for that is Saturday or Day Off (integrated with attendance module).
O.T. (SH) - defined the O.T. Type for Statutory Holiday (integrated with attendance module).
O.T. (PH -SH) - defined the O.T. Type for Public Holiday that is not a Statutory Holiday (integrated with attendance module).
O.T. (Call Back) - defined the O.T. Type for Call Back Over-Time (integrated with attendance module).
O.T. Type 7 - no integration with attendance module unless Different OT Rates for different Shifts are defined.
O.T. Type 8 - no integration with attendance module unless Different OT Rates for different Shifts are defined.
You can define the description of O.T. Type 7 and 8 in the Payroll Module Setup, Pay Type Tab.
You can turn off the O.T. Pay that you do not wish to be visible in Payroll in Payroll Module Setup, Pay Type Tab by turning off the visible checkbox.
The O.T. Rate of different O.T. Pay Types are predefined in OT Type and different OT Types are assigned to the employee in Employee Master, Salary Info tab.
OT Rate
In general,
OT Rate can be a fixed rate or User-Defined Formula and is defined in OT Type.
OT Hours/Days
Number of OT Hours (or Days) is determined from,
The corresponding OT Hours (e.g. Workday, Rest day, Saturday, etc.) in Attendance Records for the attendance period if OT Pay Calculation based on Attendance Records (in Attendance Module Setup, Payroll Integration panel) is set to Yes. Pay at Month-End Payroll Batch or Yes. Pay at Mid-Month Payroll Batch.
The total number of OT Hours (days) in approved Overtime Compensation Applications for the corresponding attendance period provided that Allow Overtime Compensation compensated by OT Pay in Employee Portal Setup, Overtime Compensation tab is turned on and Disallow Overtime Compensation compensated by OT Pay of the employee in Employee Master, EPortal tab is turned off
You may need to select one of the above options to determine whether the "Number of OT Hours (Days)" comes from Attendance Records or Approved OT Compensation Applications.
OT Pay
OT Pay = OT Rate (either Hourly or Daily) x OT Hours/Days