Leave Type

Leave Type is under Master.

Leave Type is user definable, each Leave Type should belong to one Leave Nature, and the system defines Leave Nature.  See the definition of Leave Nature

When Leave Entry required Attachment is checked, the HRPro User must attach an attachment when adding Leave Entry for this leave type. E.g. Doctor's Certificate for Sick Leave.

WebLeave (Employee Portal) tab

This tab is available only if Employee Portal is enabled. 

General Functions

When Visible in WebLeave Application is checked, then this leave type is visible for the Employee Portal User to select to apply for leave. 

The WebLeave Day/Hour Decimal Place is to define the Day Decimal of this Leave Type in WebLeave, you can set it to based on Employee Portal Setup in the HRPro Setup Screen. 

The option When Balance less than is to set the minimum balance after application of this Leave Type. 

If Allow Application is selected, no balance checking is performed. 

If Disallow Application is selected, the application cannot be submitted if the balance after the application is less than the value of the minimum balance. 

If Give Warning is selected, a warning message will appear on the application screen if Enable Real-Time Validation When Applying for Leave in Employee Portal Setup, the WebLeave tab is turned on. 

When the Application Required Attachment is checked, the Employee Portal User must submit an attachment when applying for leave for this leave type. E.g. Doctor Certificate for Sick Leave unless the Application allows missing Attachment to be checked. 

If the Application Required Attachment and Application allow missing Attachment are both checked, the applicant can apply without Attachment. However, the Missing Attachment checkbox in Leave Entry will be automatically checked after the application is approved. 

When Application Required Remarks is checked, the Employee Portal User must enter the remarks when applying for leave for this leave type. E.g. describe the reason for the Leave. 

When Application Rejection Required Remarks is checked, The Approver must enter the remarks for this leave type when rejecting leave. E.g. describe the reason for rejecting the Leave. 

If Allow Unapproved Leave Application Withdrawal is turned off, the applicant cannot withdraw (delete) his/her unapproved leave application. 

If "Enable "Cancel Leave Request" for Leave not taken" is enabled, applicants can cancel the approved application with dates after the current date (i.e. future Leave). 

If Even for Current Date Leave is turned on and  "Enable "Cancel Leave Request" for Leave not taken" is enabled, applicants can cancel approved leave applications for the current date

If Even for Past Leave (Recommend No) is turned on and  "Enable "Cancel Leave Request" for Leave not taken" is enabled, applicants can cancel the approved leave application with dates before the current date. Caution: Cancelling past leave may impact calculations such as Annual Leave Pay, No Pay Leave Deduction and Leave Forfeiture. Depending on company policy, manual adjustment may be necessary.

Leave Date Restriction

This panel is to define the restriction of the date of leave. 

Allow Leave Taken Start Date  options are (After / On or After)

Allow Leave Taken Start Date 2 options are (After / On or After)

Allow Leave Taken End Date options are (On or Before, 1 month before up to 12 months before, 1 month after up to 12 months after)

When the WebLeave Allow Backdate Application is checked, the Employee Portal User can apply to backdate leave for this leave type. 

When the WebLeave Allow Future Date Application is checked, the Employee Portal User is allowed to apply Future Date leave for this leave type.   

When the "Minimum days between Apply Date and Leave Date"  is defined. The application must be submitted no less than X days before the Leave Date.  (e.g. The annual leave application must be submitted at least 7 days before the annual leave. Applicable to Future Date Application).

When the "Maximum days between Leave Date and Apply Date" is defined. The application must be submitted no later than X days after the Leave Date. (e.g. The sick leave application must be submitted not later than 14 days after the sick leave. Applicable to Backdate Application).

On Calendar

The Colour defines the appearance of this Leave Type on the Company Calendar, Event Calendar and HRPro Calendar

When the Visible in Company Calendar is checked, the leave of this leave type will be visible in the Company Calendar

When the Visible in Event Calendar is checked, the leave of this leave type will be visible in the Event Calendar

When the Visible in HRPro Calendar is checked, the leave of this leave type will be visible in the HRPro Calendar

When Show as [OFF] in Company Calendar is checked, the leave of this leave type will be shown as [OFF] rather than the original leave code. 

When Enable link to Leave Details on Company Calendar (Recommend No) is turned on and Enable link to Leave Details on Company Calendar (Recommend No) in Employee Portal Setup, Employee Self Service Tab is turned off, hyperlinks are available on the Calendar and allow to click the link to view the original Leave Applications/Leave Entries including remarks and attachments for this Leave Type.  Be cautious about privacy

Explanation on Employee Portal

When defined, will show on Apply Leave screen in Employee Portal under Leave Type combo box. 

Leave by Whole Day

When Leave by Whole Day is turned on, Leave by Whole Day is allowed for this Leave Type.

When Minimum Days to Apply is defined. The applicant must apply at least the defined days when applying leave by whole day.

When Maximum Days to Apply is defined. The applicant must apply not more than the defined days when applying leave by whole day.

Leave by AM/PM

When Leave by AM/PM is turned on, Leave by AM/PM is allowed for this Leave Type. If Leave by Whole Day and Leave by AM/PM are both turned on, and the Enable Leave by Whole Day + Half Day is turned on in Leave Module Setup, General tab, AM + Whole Day, AM + Whole Day + PM and Whole Day + PM will be available as Leave Time in the Application.

Leave by Time

When Leave by Time is turned on, Leave by Time is allowed for this Leave Type.

When Minimum Minutes to Apply is defined. The applicant must apply at least the defined minutes when applying leave by time.

When Maximum Minutes to Apply is defined. The applicant must apply not more than the defined minutes when applying leave by time.

When Allow Leave Hours only in multiples of is defined. The applicant must apply the leave hours for the increment of the predefined hour when applying leave by time. e.g. if Allow Leave Hours only in multiples of 0.5 hour, the applicant must apply leave by time for 0.5 hour, 1.0 hour, 1.5 hour, 2.0 hour, etc.

When Enable One Minute Increments is turned on, Leave by Time is allowing one minute increments, i.e. the minute can select 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, etc.

Leave Type Balance (Not applicable to Annual Leave, Additional Annual Leave, Sick Leave (Statutory), Sick Leave (Full Pay), Compensation Leave, Casual Leave Nature)

When Enable Leave Type Balance is turned on, leave entitlement per year can be defined for this particular leave type. This is good for defining the balance if the Leave Nature itself do not have entitlement defined. 

When the Maximum Number of Hours allowed to apply per year (for leave by TIME only) is defined. The applicant must apply not more than the defined hours per year (only applicable to applying for leave by time, the leave by whole day/AM/PM will not count). The calendar year period is defined in Started at. There is no first-year pro-rata calculation in this option. 

When the Maximum Number of Days allowed to apply per year is defined. The applicant must apply not more than the defined days per year. The calendar year period is defined in Started at. There is first year prorata calculation in this option (unless the No Prorata for first year check-box is checked). 

"Started at" can be the 1st of each Calendar Month or the date of the Anniversary. 

Leave Type Balance will only be shown on the Employee Portal when 

These settings are applicable only if the Leave Nature is not Annual Leave, Annual Leave Additional, Sick Leave (Statutory), Sick Leave (Full Pay), Compensation Leave, and Casual Leave.

Birthday Leave (applicable to Birthday Leave Nature)

When Allow takes Leave during the month of birthday only is turned on. The Birthday Leave leave date must be within the Month of the Birthday of the employee for this Leave Type. 

If the "Allow take leave before birthday (days)" setting is not N/A, the Birthday Leave date must be taken no earlier than the selected days. For example, it should not be earlier than 30 days before the birthday. 

If the "Allow take leave after birthday (days)" setting is not N/A. The Birthday Leave date must be taken no later than the selected days. For example, it should not be later than 30 days after the birthday. 

These settings are applicable only if the Leave Nature is Birthday Leave.

Approval Workflow

Approval Workflow is to define the Workflow of this Leave Type. 

Approver 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is to define the number of Approvers required and the approval sequence (if by level) for this Leave type. In order to allow different approver(s) for different Leave Type.

When Auto Approval is turned on, the application of this leave type does not required Approver's Approval and the application become self-approved. 

See also: What is "Approval Workflow"?

Employee Class tab

When one or more Employee Classes are checked in the Employee Class Tab, this leave type will only apply to those employees belonging to that Employee Class(es). (this option applies to both HRPro and Employee Portal).

Employer tab

When one or more Employers are checked in the Employer Tab, this leave type will only apply to those employees belonging to that Employer(s).  (this option applies to both HRPro and Employee Portal).

Recommended Settings

Annual Leave

Sick Leave (Full Pay)

In/Out Time Correction Request

Maternity Leave

If the Maternity Leave Policy of your company allow non-continuous Maternity leave, see How to enable Maternity/Paternity Leave Balance Checking

Paternity Leave

If the Paternity Leave Policy of your company allows non-continuous Paternity leave, see How to Enable Maternity/Paternity Leave Balance Checking.

Birthday Leave

Marriage Leave

Business Trip

Typhoon Leave

Injury Leave

Holiday Leave

Rest Day